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Basic Steps to Install the Video Counting System at an Object 1) CHOOSING THE NUMBER OF SENSORS ACCORDING TO PROJECT The basic parameters for choosing the number of sensors to fit the entrance area are the width of the entrance group, its height and expected traffic. For clarity the entrance groups, widely spread in shopping centers and boutiques, can be divided into three categories: A – not wide, up to three meters, B – wide, from 4 to 7 meters, and C- super wide stairwells from 7 meters and wider. А – not wide entrance groups, up to three meters wide, are very common for shopping centers and small stores. One video counter kit is quite sufficient for such entrance groups – the customer traffic at such objects ranges within 200 – 1000 people a day, and one sensor is more than enough to count the traffic here. Installation height varies from 2.5 to 5 meters. B – Wide entrance groups, from 4 to 7 meters wide, with small customer traffic. They are very common for not large shopping centers with ceiling height of 3 to 4 meters.…
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Today customer traffic statistics is collected by most companies of retail market. Such information allows to track the customer activity and to be quick on the mark to increase the company efficiency. The customer counters, installed at entrance areas of stores and shopping centers, provide valuable information on traffic dynamics and make it possible to analyze the factors, influencing the changes in this parameter. The customer counters without data analytics, which don’t allow centralized store traffic data acquisition and don’t provide the company with information automatically, can’t be considered to be solutions to complete some serious tasks. Such calculator counters demonstrate the customer traffic data at one point at best, and they don’t provide data on visiting time, and here the personnel reliability plays a major role. In general one can say that these counters don’t cost even those hundred dollars they are priced at. Most customer counting systems, offered by the market, include data processing software, this being reasonable, as there are projects, embracing 400 counting areas and more. In this case information from each object is processed automatically and the ready report represents structured data, depending…
Thursday, 12 May 2016

6 Retail Trends of 2016

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In the context of modern retail market oversaturation and high competition business development is usually related to poaching clients from other companies. In order to be ahead of the curve retailers and shopping centers should be able to adjust quickly to constantly changing customer behavior. The most important task for retail business is to understand the direction of market changes. We live in fascinating times and watch new technologies come into being. At the same time some fears can’t but come to one’s mind: - What will be important for customers in half a year? - What trends will involve more investments in the future? - How will the digital technologies influence the traffic in physical stores? Despite the inconsistent and unpredictable nature of retail business, even in such state of uncertainty, there are trends determining the customer behavior for the whole year. Based on acquired data the UFATECH company has drawn a unique report, consisting of 6 trends to influence the retail business in 2016. #1 Customer Preferences Are Changing Faster than Retail Supply Even the most flexible companies are usually one step behind the customer needs…
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Today the visitor counting technologies can consolidate large amounts of detailed information, providing reports on the basic business metrics, such as conversion rate, success of marketing campaigns and personnel efficiency. In and of itself such data is not deemed to be static – it is hourly and daily changing. In the same way, as to benefit from customer counting systems, one will have to place efforts into studying of the statistics collected. In order to optimize the customer counters data one should follow the following rules: Study the tendencies at different periods of time Make data analysis and draw conclusions Be fully engaged into solving of acute problems Assess the results of the changes made The tendencies to be studied depend on the specifics of your business, object size and location and key tasks. Let us see, what the basic business analytics metrics that can be obtained using the visitor counting systems, are: Customer dwell time analysis. Using the customer counter data one can easily find out what the “hot” and “cold” periods – foot traffic peak and off-peak hours - for a store are. The company’s management…
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As of today, the retail market companies judge the data processing visitor counters to be the true electronic assistants. High-quality customer counting systems help obtain more detailed information on buyers and their preferences, find out what the people behavior factors are and estimate the company efficiency in general. Store traffic data should work for the benefit of the company, showing the current state of things and constantly providing the analysts with the most acute metrics for business promotion. There are several types of companies at the modern customer counting systems market. They differ in the way the data is stored and processed. The companies of the first type offer to upload customer traffic data to servers, controlled by the integrator itself. Such an approach allows to charge the customer service fees, the annual payments cumulatively often to exceed the counter installation price. These integrator companies explain it by the fact that server data is monitored and controlled on a day-to-day basis, the actual data compliance check to be held continuously. The reality is that such measures make no sense at all. Here you are welcome to make conclusions…
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The Ufatech software processing system allows to take into account the average influence of personnel on general traffic in the network, where the people counters are used. The personnel can greatly affect the reliability of the traffic counting, and it is observed in small boutiques with average traffic of 150-300 people a day. In such stores the personnel can 50-60 times enter the counting area, and such, so called, interferences won’t be connected with potential customers. The personnel won’t bend down, trying not to get into the counting area, and it’s very hard to control, who enters this area and who doesn’t. So, we have included the special counting algorithms into the Statistics software processing system for it to provide the most undistorted data, concerning the customer traffic counting. It can be demonstrated in the following way. For instance, we have three objects, where the counters are mounted. Object 1: 2 employees – shows 455 visits a certain day without correction. Object 2: 3 employees – shows 685 visits a certain day without correction Object 3: 4 employees: shows 895 visits a certain day without correction. In all…
Monday, 21 March 2016

A Booming Shopping Mall is …

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About a billion people come to shopping malls all over the world daily – from Tokian Solamachi to Diamond Centre in Alaska. This new form of commerce is gaining momentum, and despite the general recession of the economy it is growing extremely rapidly, offering a great amount of new sales areas. The development of retail business and emerging technologies make the shopping malls adjust to the quick changes and adapt to new environment. In general, large shopping malls are the top performers now, both as far as the general sales level (which is quite expected) and the square meter sales level are concerned. Another key point to be mentioned by everyone, who spends more than 2 hours a week in a mall, is comfort, and it is crucial. Indeed, the statistics shows, that most of the respondents say, that comfort, or atmosphere, as it is also called, is critical, when choosing what mall to go to. However, if we take a look at retail business, which has greatly changed over the past years, we can see, that the former elements of comfort, taken into account by shopping mall…
Monday, 21 March 2016

FAQ about people counting systems

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Whatever purchase one wants to make today, he/she will always have to choose between a common store and an Internet one. The modern retail tendencies show, that this choice will only be harder and harder to make, as E-commerce is developing continuously. This is why the retail business owners have to plan their company development strategies thoroughly, starting from the place for a new outlet to be opened, and ending with the marketing campaign arrangement and making a personnel work schedule. There was a time, when in order to get feedback to estimate, how efficient a promotional campaign had been or find out, how popular a store was among customers, one just had to interview the customers, asking “How did you know about us” questions. Many customer habits have changed since then – new communications means have appeared. They enhanced the efficiency of “word of mouth” marketing, besides, the exhibitions and show-rooms have become popular, all this making the feedback from clients hard to get. Nevertheless, understanding the psychology of customer behavior and factors, influencing the customer choice, can make the use of company’s available resources more efficient.…
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Accurate People Counting

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In retail business the interest to customer behavior psychology investigations is growing day by day, and attention is being increasingly focused on customer flow analysis. Most retailers consider the store customer traffic to be the second most important criterion after the cash desk data, showing the company efficiency and allowing to obtain such metrics as conversion rate and average basket size. In retail business, conversion is deemed to be the proportion of sales number to general customer traffic, usually measured in percents. Today, the tendency to implement customer flow analysis can be seen in many other fields too: exhibitions, sporting venues, museums, libraries, state institutions. Special emphasis should be placed on customer counting in transport business services – modern airports and railroad stations strike for implementation of the state-of-the-art developments in passenger transportation analysis to provide a better service. CUSTOMER COUNTING METHODS So as to analyze the customer traffic and estimate the conversion rate the visitor counting systems are used. Currently, the market offers a great variety of devices - from horizontal infrared sensors to video counters with computer-aided analytics. Every counter type has its own advantages and…
Thursday, 28 January 2016

How to use visitor counters the right way

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Today the customer traffic counters allow to get the extended information on store traffic, but not all the retailers know how to use it to maximum effect. Most often it is connected with the fact, that company’s management team wants to install a customer traffic counting system, but doesn’t set the goals to be reached after the system is installed. So, the new equipment is set up and is supposed to count visitors, but, in fact, one doesn’t benefit greatly from it. ROI (Return on Investment) is one of the most significant indicators in the retail business. It is a financial coefficient, reflecting the business return level, resulting from the investments into this business. ROI is the amount of return (loss) on an investment relative to the investment cost and is measured as a percentage. ROI is a very important performance measure, demonstrating efficiency of the investments, whether it is a new advertising campaign or personnel training at special courses. An ability to measure ROI, using a customer counting system, guarantees successful and well targeted investments for modern retailers. Integration of traffic data with other business metrics (cash…
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Last year was filled with events and news, that influenced the buying activity one way or another. The Ufatech company hopes, that despite some market fluctuations and twists, most retail market players managed to reach success last year and make the consumers trust more and buy in the stores more often. There is always a room for perfection in our lives, and the start of the year is the perfect time to launch efficiency enhancement long term projects. For those companies, that are constantly forging ahead, Ufatech has prepared 5 core messages for year 2016. Don’t Let Data Rest on Laurels The advantage of the modern retail business is that each buyer leaves his or her mark. Sad to say, but most companies don’t give due consideration to this fact. Therefore, the considerable part of the data on clients is either lost or not taken into account. The New Year’s goal for successful sellers is to learn to collect, structure and analyze the data on behavior of each visitor. It means, that the one, who is able to apply the collected statistic data to better understand the strengths…
Monday, 03 August 2015

Proud to offer

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Proud to Offer In 2015 Ufatech celebrated its anniversary – its 8000th customer counter was built. This event had been preceded by 8 years of painstaking work, developments and constant growth. At the very beginning of our way we explicitly defined our main goals – production of high quality equipment and continuous improvement of already existing technologies. We are really proud to say, that we have never turned off this road. We launched our production in Europe and engaged many European engineers, programming specialists and assemblers into cooperation with us. The Ufatech developments are built upon the ideas of international specialists, and we are glad to say, that our technologies leave many global technologies behind. First of all, we have the needs of our clients in mind, when we create our systems. For this reason we try to make them as easy-to-use as possible, thinking of their operability and availability. We appreciate the confidence clients have in us, and do the utmost to meet the most ambitious expectations of our customers. We are proud of the fact, that large malls, federal retail networks and small stores and shopping…
Thursday, 30 July 2015

Technology Contest: 3D ASSIS vs 3D

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Technology Contest: 3D ASSIS vs 3D Until recently the most effective way to solve the customer counting problem had been the 3D counters, using the algorithm, that merged pictures, obtained from two cameras. At that time this algorithm was a genuine breakthrough in the field of customer traffic analysis, as compared to horizontal infrared counters. The algorithm allowed to cover the large counting area, and, at the same time, to mount the sensors on the ceilings, run the customer path analyses and adjust the filters to track the certain objects. Despite this, the system had its own drawbacks, such as strictly vertical mounting and complicated onsite adjustment. Besides, it couldn’t be used in poorly illuminated rooms and when the customer clothes color was the same as the floor color (for example, dark colored carpets at the entrance and clothes of gray colors). The technologies are constantly developing, and the outdated ones are replaced by new technological achievements. In 2014 the 3D ASSIS counting algorithm was developed by Ufatech – one of the largest producers of customer counting systems. The algorithm allows to process the two-dimensional video-stream and convert it into the…